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On Campus Device Checkout


Student Device Checkout - On Campus Students

Dear Parents,

We are piloting a device checkout program for our on-campus students.

Here is an outline of the process:

  1. HS Students who wish to check out a device to use will pay the On Campus Device Checkout fee online on the Bell City website. THIS FEE MUST BE PAID ONLINE

(MAKE SURE YOU PAY THE CORRECT FEE & Assign it to your child’s name)

This fee is non-refundable -   On the payment site, it looks like this:


Here is a direct link to our pay site: Pay BCHS Fees Online

Unable to click on the link?

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Quick Links – Pay BCHS Online
    1. You MUST add the Parent/Guardian First and last name and Parent Driver License # in the Purchase Notes section of your transaction (right before paying)
  3. A checkout form will be printed and sent home with the student to be signed by BOTH the parent and the student.
    1. Parents and students must fill out the form completely – It must include:
      1. Signature of Parent/Guardian
      2. Signature of Student
    2. Student will return the completed and signed form to Ms. Fruge.
    3. Fruge or Mrs. Shields will verify the fee has been paid and issue the student a device and a charger. (Ipads for Grades K-2, Laptops for Grades 3-12)
    4. The student and parent(s) will be responsible for both the device AND the charger until it is returned to Ms. Fruge.
      1. Students can bring the device home but must bring it to school with them every day-fully charged.
      2. The device checkout contract lists the fee associated with device damage.
    5. At the end of the school year, devices and chargers must be returned to Ms. Fruge and signed back in by the student.


Q: How will it connect to the internet at home?

A: You will connect to your home Wifi to access the internet off campus.

Q: My device needs updates, or I cannot log in -

A: The student can plug an ethernet cord (blue cord) into their laptop from any room on campus to perform necessary updates or to allow login– See Ms. Fruge for help. iPads should not have any login issues.

Q: When will we return the device?

A: We will update you when the devices need to be returned – sometime in May.

Device Checkout Instructions

Sample Device Checkout Contract