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Buy Athletic Tickets Online

Go Fan App

Scan the QR Code or Search for Bell City High on the site to see available tickets. 

We recommend downloading the app.

1. Purchase tickets on the app or website. NO REFUNDS, so wait to purchase at the gate if you aren't sure who is attending. 

2. Share individual tickets via text with family members unless you will all enter together. 

3. At the gate, open the app or open your ticket, and the gate worker will help you verify or "use" the ticket. 



Q: I only have cash, can I still purchase tickets?

A: In the Spring of 2023, we will still offer a cash option for gate admission. Beginning with the 2023-2024 basketball season, we will be cashless at the gate. Which means you must purchase electronic admission tickets.

However, you will still have the option to purchase concession tickets with cash. 

Q: Can I simply send screenshots of their tickets to them?

A: No, it must be an actual ticket, not a screenshot. Have everyone in your family download the app, or use the share feature to send them the ticket. Screenshots are not valid. 

Q: What happens if I don't have the app?

A: The app is recommended, but you can still access your tickets via text message. We will also have a card reader at the gate to process ticket purchases. 

Q: Can I also purchase concession tickets electronically?

A: We are working on making this option available - stay tuned. 

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Bell City Offers Online Ticket Purchases for Athletics - Live  Mar 1, 2023